It was an exciting day for Charlie. He started it at 5:30 in the morning. He was so excited to go to school, that he gave up the 9:00 morning call he was use to all summer in order to climb into our bed and talk about his day. "I'm so cited!"The early rise stopped the panic I felt the night before, wondering how I was going to get him out of bed at 6:45? Instead, we had a casual breakfast and then Charlie listed all the things he had to do before we could leave. Brush his teeth, make his bed, spike out his hair and, oh yea, get dressed. The uniform made that task much easier than it has been.
Mrs. Orton was pleased to pose for a picture with him before the crowd arrived. He has the luxury of roaming the halls before anyone else. Then, Mom was there with her camara to capture the event. Her fifth graders were more than willing to watch. Charlie was sure proud of his day and the homework he brought home. As he pulled a skittles out of the bag, he answered questions that were tagged to colors of the candy. What is your teacher like? What games did you play? Can remember what you worked on? He played the game with mom, dad and Zach!
All's well that end's well. Now, at 7:00, his parents are more than ready to put him to bed. The day is catching up to him and the crankies have set in!!