He was small and cute, friendly and... can you really say a grasshopper is friendly? Tami chose his first name and Charlie decided on the middle name. Manchester? It just sounded right. I was just grateful the weeds were being pulled with happy hearts. The hopper didn't stay long. Tami decided to set it free an hour later, the cat decided to watch, Charlie decided to cry and the cat spat at it with her paw. I had a hard time convincing Charlie that the cat did not crush Philip Will Smith Manchester! He jumped into the cracks of the deck ... The whole affair was more than mom could take! It was a grasshopper, I think, for crying out loud. Now if it was a 'Cricket'.... well, that is a whole other story, place and person! (You have to know my neice's name to get that one :D )
There is so much joy in small things. Just love the picture and the name of Mr. Cricket. Jiminey Cricket is quite historical and has had a place in every child's heart and so will Phillip Will Smith Manchester have a place in the hearts of Charlie and Tami.
I love it! :D
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