The Short Family

The Short Family
Left to right: Family Picture Thanksgiving 2006:Curtis(18), Chelsea(19), Jay, Alena, Zachary(17), Charlie(4), Tamara(16); ages are 2006


Our family welcomes you to our Blog. This is a place where you can read about our lives, happenings, joys, and anything else we feel so inclined to share. As our children leave home and enter a world of opportunity, we hope this blog will keep us connected with each other, and you connected with us. Feel free to comment and share with us on our Blog. As Helen Keller once said,
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
We hope you will take this blogging adventure with us.

The Family - December 2010

The Family - December 2010
(Left toRight) Zach 21; Tami 20; Charlie 8; Chelsea 23; Curt 22; Alena and Jay

December 31, 2009

Good Bye to 2009

It has been a wonderful year. Jay and I feel really blessed to have a growing business despite the economy and many other contractors in the area without work. I think we both feel the gratitude of our Heavenly Father who has watched over Curtis in Chicago serving a full time mission. We know he has blessed our family because of Curt's sacrifice. Chicago was not an easy place to serve. But I read letters, week after week, from a boy growing in stature as he got out of bed every morning and prepared himself to send the message of the gospel to any who would listen. I am so proud of his strength, determination and ability to push on, and sometimes dragging his companions out to do the work.

Chelsea, Zachary and Tami are busy working, or going to school or both to reach their goals. Our house is full of visitors and friends and music. The lives of our adult children keep Charlie active and listening in on a lot of conversations that most seven year old years don't hear. He has some serious wisdom for them at times though. I especially like it when he tells one of his siblings to, "Just do it because mom (or dad) said so and it is right!" Charlie has so much love for all of his brothers and sisters and loves each of them for their different personalities and time they spend with him. He keeps us all grounded and remembering the most important thing we can give each other is our time.

I have worked at John Hancock Charter School as the fifth grade teacher for 6 years now and love it. I have an absolutely great place to work and awesome people to work with. Our school is known throughout the state for its grades, innovative learning strategies and being on the top edge of new skills and ideas that create better learners. I love it. We are also known nationally as a Core Knowledge Visitation School. I like the atmoshpere and challenge!

I have been a little lazy this year keeping up on our family blog. And it is hard to write generalizations about the year, so I plan to do better and leaving my mark and quick thoughts here throughout the coming year. If anything, it is a great journal for me, and I like checking that off my to do list! Check in from time to time next year to see what I am thinking and what the family is doing. Good bye 2009!

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